Sep 9, 20202 min

Racism Doesn't Belong Here

Supporting our Black Community

It's overdue but it's long been on my heart to say something. I stepped away from social media in May to renew, read, and readjust my lens. I found myself without words and weeping for killings in Black communities. How could I talk about my work and not address the issue of racism and hate all around me? What could I do as a small business owner to address it? I haven't known the right answer but am learning. I feel it's time. So, before I post anything else I must say BLACK LIVES MATTER.

I've been so saddened by the many, stark examples of racism in our country. I've also been so amazed by the force of a reinvigorated fight for freedom building into a broad social movement. A fight against our ugly history of judgment, oppression, and persecution. A fight for human rights and equality.

Isn’t equality what we all deserve as humans? To not be judged by skin color as Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed? To walk with courage across a bridge in protest without fearing a beating like Rep. John Lewis endured? To give voice to characters shaped from personal witness like Toni Morrison wrote?

I don’t know what else to say except I’m hurting for my Black loved ones and for Black communities. To judge Black skin, or any skin of color, as inferior is ignorant and an injustice. It’s the opposite of loving your neighbor. It doesn't belong in this world, and it will never be an issue in my business.

Your Skin is a Function, Not an Object

When I saw footage of a skincare company owner harass a neighbor for chalking his own property with #BlackLivesMatter, I almost broke my phone. I was appalled to witness such "superiority". To be in this business means to treat others with respect, treat skin as an organ and respect its purpose. And if you don't know, melanin is the natural color of your skin. Your skin is a defense system and melanin helps protect your skin cells from UV damage from the sun! It can't be the reason to judge a person but sadly it has been for centuries.

I'm in this business to educate, serve, and promote your beauty no matter what color your skin is. Racism DOESN'T BELONG IN SKINCARE.

Learning from Others

I'm hurting but hopeful. I'm in awe of the leaders in this movement who have left a legacy and directed us to "get into good trouble". So, while we'll always remember lives lost I'm praying this time we'll all help to squash racism for good. 🙏🏽❤

Only “we” can create a better world. A world worthy of Lewis’ love.

- Dawn Porter, Director of "John Lewis: Good Trouble."

A neighbor created a wall of tribute to honor George Floyd, Briana Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, three lives taken away from their loved ones. This is a beautiful example of loving others!